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ABI ~ Haitian Literacy Program

Haitian Literacy Program

Alabaster Box International, Inc. (ABI) is a 501c3 nonprofit charity organization founded in 2007 by Patti Parrott and Brochelle Sherman for the express purpose of helping people.  

ABI's main thrust is our Haitian Adult Literacy Program, which we founded in 2012 following a visit to a rural mountain area near Kenscoff and seeing such great need.  Although the literacy rate among youth under age 24 in Haiti has risen dramatically in recent years, the literacy rate for adults remains just above 50%.  Of all Haitian schools, 90% are non-public and managed by communities, religious or nonprofit organizations. 

We work with a local Pastor to facilitate a program to teach adults above age 17 to read and write.  ABI currently employs three qualified teachers. The program is administered on three levels, each level lasting one year. Students are required to pass monthly tests and a final exam for each level. Upon successful completion of Level Three, the students graduate the program with the ability to read at a 4th-5th grade level, know simple math and writing skills.  Our oldest graduate so far was 73.  

Through inspiration and education, we help people change their lives, supporting the transition from desperation, through Hope, to success.

Please consider partnering with ABI as we extend a helping hand to make a difference in our world. 

‘Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day.  Teach a man to fish, 

and he’ll feed himself for a lifetime.’

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